The year was 2007. Cissi was on maternity leave after welcoming her first child, Selma, into the world. Before her leave, she had worked as a store manager at Carlings, a store specializing in jeans. As a new parent, Cissi felt restless and started contemplating following her dream of starting her own business.
With Selma in the stroller, Cissi began taking long walks in her beloved Söder in Stockholm. As she strolled along the streets, the thought arose:
"It must be more than just me who loves colorful clothes and thinks that the environment and sustainability are important."
Cissi has always found it a bit strange that in a country with so many gray and dark months, we adjust the color of our clothes to match the weather. Wearing colorful clothes year-round helps spread light in the darkness. Since we wear clothes every day, it's a perfect way to spread joy.
She found a small space to rent on Söder.
Bondegatan 6 became the first address for her store. Since the idea was for mother and daughter to match, it felt natural to name the store "Cissi and Selma." When the store first opened, it sold a mix of children's and adult clothing, with a 50/50 split. Cissi had always had a passion for retro style, and she decided that half of the store would be dedicated to new items, while the other half would focus on retro clothing. These retro pieces were often made by small designers who used recycled materials, many times from old bed linens.
The store had opened, and Cissi regularly searched for clothing and brands that fit her vision. But it didn’t take long before she realized that the selection of eco-friendly, especially colorful, clothing was nearly nonexistent. This was where her journey toward creating her own brand began to take shape.